Grow, Build, Achieve - Uniting the best of British education with the best of Kuwaiti culture


+965 2225 6777

For all enquiries

Saba St, Block 10

Salmiya, Kuwait

06:55 - 14:30

Sunday - Thursday


+965 2225 6777

For all enquiries

Saba St, Block 10

Salmiya, Kuwait

06:55 - 14:30

Sunday - Thursday


30th May 2019 was an important day in the lives of our Year 6 pupils…. Year 6 Graduation 2019! Parents, family members and teachers gathered together to celebrate Year 6’s years of learning in GBA.  Everyone was thanked by the Head of School for supporting, teaching and inspiring the pupils so far throughout their lives. Today, the door to the […]
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During three mornings at the end of May 2019, Gulf British Academy celebrated its Reception Graduation 2019 ceremony in style! To mark the completion of their learning journey through our Foundation Stage, pupils confidently walked along the flashing runway and onto our stage to present speeches and perform musical shows in front of their proud parents. The children then changed into […]
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Over the last couple of days, Year 4 and Year 5 took to the stage for a variety of performances exploring many countries of the world. The performances were part of our International Day celebration and a total of 19 countries were visited. The countries were [takes a deep breath]:  the USA, Australia, Italy, Egypt, Spain, China, South Africa, Ireland, Scotland, […]
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Thursday last week saw Career Day 2019 celebrated across the entire school. Running alongside normal lessons, Career Day was a fun-filled day with pupils and teachers attending school dressed in outfits representing their chosen career. It was a very successful day too.  It introduced children to the world of work and inspired them to think about their future roles across […]
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How exciting! A garden for us all to enjoy. Pre-KG and KG took their parents on a journey through their gardens.  Colourful costumes and a backdrop full of greenery added a wonderful atmosphere to their stories told in song. Each song described the cultivation of a little garden, from preparing the soil to planting seeds then watching and waiting to […]
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On Thursday last week, Year 5 celebrated Tudor Dress-up Day – a brilliant way to learn about life during the time and to bring the topic to life. Travelling back 500 years, pupils and their teachers came to school wearing fabulous themed costumes as they continued to explore a whole range of facts from the period (haven’t we seen Henry […]
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Yesterday, Gulf British Academy held its first ever beach clean-up challenge! Our goal was to spend 30-minutes cleaning the two beaches near to The Kuwait Towers (the small beach to the left and the wider one to the right, shown below): This initiative was driven by Key Stage 1 who have been learning about the environment as part of their topic […]
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Over the last two days our parents were treated to Year 1’s special annual production – The Jungle King! The production, if you haven’t guessed already, is a theatrical fusion between two well-known animated films: The Jungle Book and The Lion King.  It tells the story of Mufasa as he is unfairly beaten by Scar in a fight for the […]
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“GBA World Flight 22256777 to Spain, India, USA, Mexico, China and England is now ready for boarding. Please have your passports and boarding cards ready” Today, Pre-KG and KG children went on a trip around the world with their teachers, visiting countries each class had chosen. The children were very excited to have their own passport booklets, which were stamped […]
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We’ve already experienced the Vikings but today it was time for the Romans!  Year 3 pupils enjoyed a spectacular dress-up day that was not only fun for everyone but also enriched their history lessons. We witnessed some brilliant costumes – from tunics, togas and sandals to centurion armour and weapons  – as each class marched between classrooms to take part […]
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